FotoGrafics' clients
Some of our clients, past and present:
- Italy
- Arnoldo Mondadori Editore
- Associazione Nazionale Felina Italiana
- Dolma (Whiskas)
- Edibas
- Excalibur
- Fabbri Editori
- Floragarden
- Giorgio Mondadori Editore
- Hobby and Work
- Manuelo Marengo Designer
- Medialab
- Motta Editori
- Nestlé (Friskies)
- Olivetti
- One to One Group
- PubbliEffe
- Ravensburger
- Scantamburlo Argenti
- Scantamburlo Tappeti
- Simar Informatica
- Sprea Editori
- Texas Pets
- World
- Ashdown Publishing, UK
- Barrons, USA
- BKDesign Solutions, CA
- Bra Blocker Publishing, S
- Cat Association of Britian, UK
- Cedar Tree Books, USA
- Doner International, UK
- Fédération Internationale Féline, L
- Garden of England Cat Club, UK
- Iams Pet Food (Europe), CH
- McMillan, USA
- Multicom TBWA, NL
- Pearson Education, AUS
- Pet Prints, USA
- Random House, UK
- Roro Press, CH
- Satchi & Satchi, UK
- World Cat Congress